Thursday, November 20, 2008

Please stop picking on the arts so I can sleep

Is anyone else tired? Or is it just me?

I'm an arts advocate (among other things - don't try to define me!) and it turns out that has been about as busy a person as you could be lately. First I was run off my keester during the Federal election because the PM decided to run his mouth in Saskatoon there-by getting the entire arts community up in arms, and lately it has been all about making sure a proposed increase to Calgary Arts Development's budget was approved in the City of Calgary's 2008-2011 budget. I haven't been alone in the crusade (wow, now that is hyperbole!), but it has been exhausting and pretty much thankless.

Those that know me, know I prefer to - to steal a theatre phrase - stay backstage and out of the spotlight. I never wanted to be an actor. I always wanted to be a designer or a stage manager. But I do have to say it has been very nice to get all the encouraging and thankful emails lately. I'm no glory hound but I wanted to say to all those folks: thanks for backing us up and appreciating what we're trying to accomplish.

I was pushed over the edge on this front today by Stephen Hunt and his Blade Runner blog over at the Calgary Herald's website, where he basically republished a few of my recent 'call to action' emails. Thanks Stephen! I was equally blown over by the congratulations offered this morning by Rick Bell at the Calgary Sun after Council rejected the proposed cut to arts funding. For all his recent bluster in the paper about arts funding it was very kind of him to offer such kind words of encouragement.

Now I beg everyone to please let the arts be for a little bit so I can get some sleep! (Will I be able to stay out of this conversation?)

1 comment:

Enlightened Savage said...

You'd think in a Nation constantly trying to define itself (and, usually, failing to do so), that the Arts would be accorded with more respect.

Thankfully, our artists are smart enough to organize, and ensure they have representation at the table of public discourse. You do great work, sir.

Go to bed, DJ - I'll take it from here.

- E.S.

(No, wait! It was a joke! Come back, DJ!!!)