Saturday, April 19, 2008

Anders being "Anders" pt. 2

Having Rob Anders crawl out from under his rock on Thursday (seriously, where has he been? I can barely find reference in Hansard to prove he even shows up in Ottawa) got me thinking about past Anders antics. Sometimes I can't believe I've forgotten some of his shenanigans. Like in 2006 having his recently fired EA accuse him of accounting fraud using taxpayer money. Now, I don't know if that is true or not so instead we should simply judge Rob using his own words.

Here are some examples courtesy the Calgary Herald:

Anders, speaking of his Calgary West nomination opponent, Alison Redford, says he is confident he'll have little trouble rounding up enough party votes to defeat Redford, "unless she's got some magic support base of people who like feminist lawyers."
-- Dec 9, 2003

Anders famously opposed a bid by Parliament to make Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela an honorary Canadian citizen, labelling the former South African president a "terrorist and a Communist." "Nelson Mandela advocated violence and used violence to achieve his aims," he said. "It is very politically correct to go ahead and lionize him, but there are problems in South Africa today and we are glossing over these things."
-- June 7, 2001

Speaking about Premier Ralph Klein's Conservative party, "I like tax cuts and I like a balanced budget and I like zero net debt, but I've been down to Conservative conventions in Alberta and there is a lot of cocktail conservatism that goes on. It's booze and schmooze," said Anders, who doesn't drink.
-- July 7, 1999

Anders made party spin doctors cringe when he spoke about being celibate. "I just decided it wouldn't be fair to a woman I was involved with to be involved sexually and leading them on with no intentions to settle down."
-- 1999

The thing that I don't get about Rob Anders is his constant insistence on dragging Canada down. The Conservative government has worked very hard at raising the profile of Canada in the world - helping us become more immediately relevant on the world stage - and Rob Anders takes every opportunity he can to represent us to the rest of the international community as a bunch of out of touch... well I won't bother to finish that sentiment. Nothing good can come of it. Perhaps a lesson Mr. Anders could study a little more at too.

BTW, we thank you for the celibacy thing. I say do what you can do to help ensure a better future for Canadians.

PS - Is it true that Rob Anders doesn't drink? If so, how do we explain this photo I found awhile back? 'Cuz if that ain't booze fuelled Stampede "fun"... then dang, man, WTF?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fed Up

Am I the only person who sees a politician or would-be politician (regardless of party affiliation) on the news and feels ill? Don’t they ever see how foolish they look mouthing the same empty statements and soundbites? Don’t they realize how foolish it looks to mindlessly support their particular party and denigrate ideas from people who don’t happen to carry the same colour card in their wallet?

What happened to Parliament? To debate? To sending people to represent us who actually tried to represent us. To actually engaging the population in a rational discussion on issues that concern them? To plain language and honesty?

I live in a riding that has re-elected a right-wing idiot for the last 4 elections and who seem content to handing this moron a fifth term in office. Proof that in certain ridings, a party could run a potted plant and get elected.

So, you look for the alternatives, and what do you see? A university student who’s grasp of the issues seems to come from a book rather than any real-world experience. An independent running on a platform that seems to mostly be about NOT being from a party. A few candidates from various fringe parties. And… a woman who seems to be bright, seems to actually care about the riding and its people… hmmm. Time to find out more… a few clicks to a website… and that’s where it falls apart, in derisive rhetoric that would have me believe that the current government has never had a good idea, heck, wouldn’t even recognize a good idea if someone dropped one on their collective (and one suspects, from the language) thick heads. Oh, and by the way, our guys are pure as the driven snow, smarter than Einstein and so compassionate they would make Mother Theresa look like a thug.

Sorry, but the world isn’t that black and white. And frankly, I find it insulting to be treated as though I was a mindless drone. By any party.

So the choice comes down to: a moron who has so little respect for his constituents that he won’t even attend candidates meetings or post any of his own thoughts on his campaign website (yeah Rob, I looked); a well-meaning but naive kid; any of a handful of folks on the fringe; or a shrew (sorry Jennifer, but that’s what I gather from the statements on your website – maybe you need better writers). And none of these options are very appealing.

So, on October 14th, I’m going to walk into a polling station, and try to decide which of these clowns I actually want representing me in Ottawa. Kinda makes me wistful for the old Rhino Party… at least they made no bones about being a joke.

Disgusted in Calgary West