Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's got a throne!

Don't forget to tune into the Alberta Cabinet swearing in ceremony this morning at 10am ( It looks like its going to be lots of fun. So far, as we await the start, we have a throne, a podium, a flag, lots of ominous string music. And people walking in front of the the camera. Should be a gooder!

PS - I be listening carefully to see if I can hear the soft sobs of Guy Boutilier coming from the back corner. Boutilier is the only member of Stelmach's last cabinet not to keep a cabinet post. He didn't even get to stay a 'parliamentary assistant'. Whatever that is. (Seems how we don't even have a parliament. Mr. Stelmach: we pronounce it "legislature" here in Alberta.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boutilier GONE! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...too bad Maria David Evans survived the Deputy Shuffle.